About Models

In this module we define a number of concrete models. The models are grouped by task, where each task has a roughly coherent input/output specification. See the README in each submodule for a description of the task models in that submodule are designed to solve.

You should think of these models as more of “model families” than actual models, though, as there are typically options left unspecified in the models themselves. For example, models in this module might have a layer that encodes word sequences into vectors; they just call a method on TextTrainer to get an encoder, and the decision for which actual encoder is used (an LSTM, a CNN, or something else) happens in the parameters passed to TextTrainer. If you really want to, you can hard-code specific decisions for these things, but most models we have here use the TextTrainer API to abstract away these decisions, giving implementations of a class of similar models, instead of a single model.

We also define a few general Pretrainers in a submodule here. The Pretrainers in this top-level submodule are suitable to pre-train a large class of models (e.g., any model that encodes sentences), while more task-specific Pretrainers are found in that task’s submodule.

Below, we describe a few popular models that we’ve implemented and include our output when training.

Attention Sum Reader

The Attention Sum Reader Network is implemented in attention_sum_reader.

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Train Logs:

Using Theano backend.
Using gpu device 0: Tesla K80 (CNMeM is disabled, cuDNN 5105)
/home/nelsonl/miniconda3/envs/deep_qa/lib/python3.5/site-packages/theano/sandbox/cuda/__init__.py:600: UserWarning: Your cuDNN version is more recent than the one Theano officially supports. If you see any problems, try updating Theano or downgrading cuDNN to version 5.
2017-01-26 23:52:54,082 - INFO - deep_qa.common.checks - Keras version: 1.2.0
2017-01-26 23:52:54,082 - INFO - deep_qa.common.checks - Theano version: 0.8.2
2017-01-26 23:52:54,269 - INFO - __main__ - Training model
2017-01-26 23:52:54,270 - INFO - deep_qa.training.trainer - Running training (TextTrainer)
2017-01-26 23:52:54,270 - INFO - deep_qa.training.trainer - Getting training data
2017-01-26 23:52:58,914 - INFO - deep_qa.data.dataset - Finished reading dataset; label counts: [(0, 42399), (1, 44896), (2, 23832), (3, 11274), (4, 585)]
2017-01-26 23:58:07,539 - INFO - deep_qa.training.text_trainer - Indexing dataset
2017-01-27 00:03:28,722 - INFO - deep_qa.training.text_trainer - Padding dataset to lengths {'num_option_words': None, 'num_question_words': None, 'wod_sequence_length': None, 'num_options': None, 'num_passage_words': None}
2017-01-27 00:03:28,722 - INFO - deep_qa.data.dataset - Getting max lengths from instances
2017-01-27 00:03:29,714 - INFO - deep_qa.data.dataset - Instance max lengths: {'num_option_words': 68, 'num_question_words': 121, 'num_options': 5, 'nm_passage_words': 3090}
2017-01-27 00:03:29,714 - INFO - deep_qa.data.dataset - Now actually padding instances to length: {'num_option_words': 68, 'num_question_words': 121, num_options': 5, 'num_passage_words': 3090}
2017-01-27 00:05:40,054 - INFO - deep_qa.training.trainer - Getting validation data
2017-01-27 00:05:40,347 - INFO - deep_qa.data.dataset - Finished reading dataset; label counts: [(0, 3522), (1, 3429), (2, 1835), (3, 784), (4, 430)]
2017-01-27 00:05:40,348 - INFO - deep_qa.training.text_trainer - Indexing dataset
2017-01-27 00:06:02,773 - INFO - deep_qa.training.text_trainer - Padding dataset to lengths {'num_option_words': 68, 'num_question_words': 121, 'word_sequence_length': None, 'num_options': 5, 'num_passage_words': 3090}
2017-01-27 00:06:02,774 - INFO - deep_qa.data.dataset - Getting max lengths from instances
2017-01-27 00:06:02,851 - INFO - deep_qa.data.dataset - Instance max lengths: {'num_option_words': 8, 'num_question_words': 95, 'num_options': 5, 'num_passage_words': 2186}
2017-01-27 00:06:02,851 - INFO - deep_qa.data.dataset - Now actually padding instances to length: {'num_option_words': 68, 'num_question_words': 121, 'num_options': 5, 'num_passage_words': 3090}
2017-01-27 00:06:13,387 - INFO - deep_qa.training.trainer - Building the model
Layer (type)                     Output Shape          Param #     Connected to
document_input (InputLayer)      (None, 3090)          0
question_input (InputLayer)      (None, 121)           0
word_embedding (TimeDistributedE multiple              80112384    question_input[0][0]
bidirectional_1 (Bidirectional)  (None, 768)           1476864     word_embedding[0][0]
bidirectional_2 (Bidirectional)  (None, 3090, 768)     1476864     word_embedding[1][0]
question_document_softmax (Atten (None, 3090)          0           bidirectional_1[0][0]
options_input (InputLayer)       (None, 5, 68)         0
options_probability_sum (OptionA (None, 5)             0           document_input[0][0]
l1normalize_1 (L1Normalize)      (None, 5)             0           options_probability_sum[0][0]
Total params: 83,066,112
Trainable params: 83,066,112
Non-trainable params: 0
Train on 127786 samples, validate on 10000 samples
Epoch 1/5
127786/127786 [==============================] - 34850s - loss: 1.0131 - acc: 0.5290 - val_loss: 0.9776 - val_acc: 0.5624
Epoch 2/5
127786/127786 [==============================] - 34828s - loss: 0.6713 - acc: 0.7267 - val_loss: 1.0838 - val_acc: 0.5514
Epoch 3/5
127786/127786 [==============================] - 34835s - loss: 0.2720 - acc: 0.8996 - val_loss: 1.4446 - val_acc: 0.5335